Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weekend Projects: Sweet Little Dresser

This post is a little later then I intended, but hey, better late then never, right?
I'm not sure how many of you know about Freecycle, but it's a Yahoo group where people post items for free that they just want to get rid off. And I scored a little 3 drawer dresser.

Cute, huh? It's only about 3ft tall. So I'll be using it as a nightstand as well for our small attic room (aka guest room). 
Obviously, this poor piece of furniture had a hard life. It's been at least 3 different colors from what I could see. The previous owners had a bird. 'Nuff said. ;)
After trying to use paint stripper (which I hate BTW, the stuff is nasty and hard to get an even layer of), I decided it be better to chip off the top layers of paint for a more even coat.

The dresser sat in the laundry room for a few days before, on a random trip to Home Depot, I found THE paint for it.
Martha Stewarts Metallics in a super pale peachy pink.
I loved it.
It was a pearly pink that appealed to the girly side of me.
And it was 'oops' paint.
That made it $2 for the quart. Even better. :D

Then everything came together. I knew the knobs should be a white ceramic. And there needed to be stenciling. Super feminine. I feel bad for our super masculine male guests. Oh well. They can deal with it for a few days. ;)

And here are the results:

Guess what? This dresser, in total, cost me $16. You can't even get a beat up used dresser for that anymore! I felt so proud. :D

Oh, and another little bit of news.
Our family grew by 4 feet.

Or paws. Whatever. ;)

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