Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weekend Projects: Sweet Little Dresser

This post is a little later then I intended, but hey, better late then never, right?
I'm not sure how many of you know about Freecycle, but it's a Yahoo group where people post items for free that they just want to get rid off. And I scored a little 3 drawer dresser.

Cute, huh? It's only about 3ft tall. So I'll be using it as a nightstand as well for our small attic room (aka guest room). 
Obviously, this poor piece of furniture had a hard life. It's been at least 3 different colors from what I could see. The previous owners had a bird. 'Nuff said. ;)
After trying to use paint stripper (which I hate BTW, the stuff is nasty and hard to get an even layer of), I decided it be better to chip off the top layers of paint for a more even coat.

The dresser sat in the laundry room for a few days before, on a random trip to Home Depot, I found THE paint for it.
Martha Stewarts Metallics in a super pale peachy pink.
I loved it.
It was a pearly pink that appealed to the girly side of me.
And it was 'oops' paint.
That made it $2 for the quart. Even better. :D

Then everything came together. I knew the knobs should be a white ceramic. And there needed to be stenciling. Super feminine. I feel bad for our super masculine male guests. Oh well. They can deal with it for a few days. ;)

And here are the results:

Guess what? This dresser, in total, cost me $16. You can't even get a beat up used dresser for that anymore! I felt so proud. :D

Oh, and another little bit of news.
Our family grew by 4 feet.

Or paws. Whatever. ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013

This Old House of Mine: Inside (part 2)

Again, WARNING: These are all photos taken before the house was cleaned/painted/sanitized. If you are easily grossed out, you might not want to look...

This is the 2nd bedroom, which we are currently using as our master bedroom until the other one is finished, since this one is the nicer of the two. But it will end up being painted a navy blue with white trim when my baby boy takes up residence. Check out the small window! I love the character it has.

Built ins! Can you believe I didn't see these before we bought the place? They where hidden behind the door! I was so excited... I love 1950s built in closets...

The master bedroom. Horrid photos, but the lighting in that room is terrible at the moment.
See the little nook where the windows are? I'm planning on putting in built in bookshelves on either side  and either putting a wingback chair with a small lamp and table there, or, a windowseat. I've always wanted a book nook!

Broken windows, now fixed.

 The master bedroom int-the-bathroom door. Along with stairs leading to the attic room... and man those stairs are steep!

 The scary bathroom... I think my friends are afraid to pee in here currently...

Horrible colors, purple and urine-stain yellow. Bleh. But hey, more built ins!

So, the only room I haven't shown you is the attic room. There really isn't much to see, but, I'll get pics asap. 

Hope I haven't totally scared you off! ;)


This Old House of Mine: Inside (part 1)

WARNING: These are all photos taken before the house was cleaned/painted/sanitized. If you are easily grossed out, you might not want to look...

 View from the front door nearly straight through to the kitchen. Again, this is the day the house closed and the people where still moving out. They where hoarders in case you haven't guessed...

The dining room. I love the amount of natural lighting in this room. If you look at the wall near the ceiling, you can see the shiplap walls where stained only so high up. Once upon a time (we're guessing 1960s-70s) the ceiling had been dropped down. For the life of me, I don't understand why... I love high ceilings! Luckily they where torn out again in the late 80s-early 90s.

The door leading from the living room into the second bedroom... and the super ugly painted floor boarder... Who says baby-poop yellow is ok?!

My kitchen! I do love the amount of cupboard space!

 See that little shelf between the two windows? I'd love to get rid of it... but guess what it's hiding? The electrical box. I need to find a cute frame or something instead...

The laundry room. A sorry sight. From what I can figure out, the plywood on the wall is covering a area where a window once was. I love the old sliding window! The kitchen and laundry room (which I believe was originally a mudroom/covered porch) was built in the 50s and remodeled in the mid-late 90s.

Off the laundry room is a room which my hubs and I call 'The Dog Room'. dun dun DUN!
Ok, no really, this room is too gross to take a picture of. It was added on in the late 90s, early 00's. Since then, the roof leaked for years, causing the room to slowly rot. The floor is moss covered, dog peed-on plywood. The walls had their insulation and drywall torn out after the leak... needless to say, the room is worthless and we'll be tearing it down this summer or next and replace it with a nice backyard patio.

Enough stuffing pictures in this post... I'll be making a 'part 2' for the bedrooms and bath.


This Old House of Mine: Outside

This, my friends, is my house... Before it was my house, actually. I stole this picture from the listing online.

Here, you can see my super long 'side yard' where I'm planting my veggie garden. And yes, that's me, some inlaws and my hubs, wondering what we got ourselves into. This is actually the very day it closed, and the previous owners where still moving their junk out, after having 3 months warning.

More junk! And me after I just realized there where plum trees planted along the property line.

 This is the backyard when we bought the place. Overgrown with blackberries and knee-high grass. I've found everything from a Christmas tree stand to a scythe hidden in that lawn.Oh, and not sure if you can see it, but there is a steel-pipe T-shape post that turns out to be a clothesline buried in the blackberries! Yay!

More posts with a tour of the inside soon to come!
