Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Before Vs. Now: Remodel in Progress

 Sometimes I feel like when I finish up one thing, another pops up... and it has babies. For example, I need to refinish the floor in my dining room. Well, that restricts acess to the kitchen. What if I did half, let it dry, then do the other half? But then that means fencing off half of the room to keep kids, kittens and a puppy away from it... So, sometimes I give up and move on to something easier. Which is why I'm at a plateau. I've run out of easy things. :P
 But here is my progress since we moved in last year!



Luke desperately wanted me to take a picture of him on his big boy bed. :D

I apologize for the crummy pics, they where taken from my phone due to the fact I have no digital camera yet. :P

There's still a lot of work ahead of me, but after looking at the old pics, it sure does look better!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! You came over and posted on my blog so I figured I would check you out. Little did I find out that you are also in WA and you also have a Luke that is about 2 years old! That's amazing!

    I love what you are doing to your house. What era is it? Mine is 1962 and we are trying to keep the flair and flavor but really trying hard to update too as everything was halfworking/broken when we moved in. I love what you are doing with your space. It's beautiful! And yes... projects always have babies!

    I'd love to chat if you are interested. My email is BlueRoseMama @


    Val - from Collecting the Moments... one by one.
